Friday, May 21, 2010

Why coconut tree and lotus grows near water?

why coconut tree and lotus grows near water

Why coconut tree and lotus grows near water?
Both plants rely on water to disperse seeds, in addition to their other adaptations to life near water.

Coconuts (unlike what you see in the store) have a thick spongy/fiber husk that will float long distances, this also softens the shell so it germinates easily. A lotus has an interesting spongy pod with round seeds that are exposed on the top in small holes. As waves move the pod, the seeds are washed out of the holes so that they germinate.
Reply:I think the lotus is a type of water lily. Coconut trees get a lot of sun, so they need lots of water to replinish lost moisture and produce coconuts.
Reply:Because they both require alot of water to strive in the wild

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