Thursday, November 12, 2009

Help,my lotus plant has been attack by some bugs.How do you prevent it?

Those bugs,yellow in colour,loves to stick on the lotus stem and suck the nutrients.By doing that,the lotus looses its nutrients and therefore die.It really hurts my heart to see them die.They were previously very healthy but now,after theses bugs came,it starts to rot and die off.Help me!!....Are there any ways of preventing or killing these bugs besides using pesticides???...

Help,my lotus plant has been attack by some bugs.How do you prevent it?
Get an empty spray bottle , fill it with water and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Spray everyday. And this will discourage the pest. If they are stuck to the stem and do not come off with the spray get a q-tip and rubbing Alcohol and dab the bug with the tip. This should take care of it. But continue with the spray until pest are gone.
Reply:find some "lady bugs" and invite them into your garden. I KNOW they live on aphids in my tomato garden..Never used pesticides good luck and a good question as well!
Reply:Disyston sold at nurseries, systemic insecticide. smells bad, works good.
Reply:Try putting a little bit of dish soap in a sprayer with water. Spray the lotus for a few days. It should work like a charm. (At least it did for me and my Japanese Maple)

Dog Teeth

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